【敗家】Germany UVEX Race1 helmet Review

等待了整整35天,跟PBK下訂的UVEX Race1 helmet總算是從英國飄洋過海來到台灣。距離上次買新安全帽已經隔了四年半之久,為了安全考量,開始物色安全帽,最後選定價格不算太貴,重量也不算太重的UVEX Race1。只是此頂安全帽在台灣的能見度不算太高,新竹找不到店家可以試戴,不確定頭型合不合的情形下,購買之前猶豫了許久,最後決定碰碰運氣。話說回來,最近騎車沒有騎很大,敗家倒是敗了不少。
It took me 35 days to receive my helmet from UK that I ordered from PBK. It has been 4.5 years since last time I bought the helmet. I surveyed some helmets, such as CRATONI, OGK, BELL, GIRO…etc, finally, I decided to buy UVEX Race1, because it’s not too expensive and the weight is light.

這是單車生涯八年來的第四頂帽子,回顧之前的三頂帽子,第一頂是Cratoni CERON,無奈在2006年的某次摔車意外中摔壞;第二頂是Bell Sweep R,很不幸的在2008年的摔車意外中也摔壞?,後來換了第三頂安全帽,是KASK KK-10(於2009年年初購入),雖然重量稍重,但是是個人相當滿意的一頂帽子,也是服役最久的一頂(因為這兩年很少騎車的關係XD)。
This is my fourth helmet during my cycling life. In the past eight years, I had three helmets, my first helmet was Cratoni CERON, and it was crashed on 12 Feb 2006. My second helmet was Bell Sweep R and it was crashed too…(on 24 Aug 2008). Until my third helmet: KASK KK-10, it wasn’t crashed finally, but I think the reason is I rarely went cycling in the past 2 years.

Let’s go to see the new helmet: UVEX Race1: 

▼UVEX Race1,是個人最喜歡的欣賞角度

▼There are totally 20 vents

▼內襯墊相當的輕薄,戴起來的舒適度沒有像KASK KK-10那麼好,不過尚可接受

Very light inner lining. In my opinion, the inner lining of KASK KK-10 is more comfortable.

固定插梢也跟KASK KK-10不一樣,市面上販售的安全帽印象中插梢都比較像左邊(KASK KK-10)那樣子的形式。
The different fixed system, left side is KK-10.

IAS(Individual Adapting System)可以依照頭型去調整,讓帽子整體的包覆性相當好。
It very easy to use IAS(Individual Adapting System) to adjust the helmet to fit my head shape.

And it also very easy to adjust the FAS chin strap system to fit my face and head.

KASK KK-10重達298g,那UVEX Race1呢?
The KASK KK-10 is weighted 298g, how weight is the UVEX Race1?

UVEX Race1重量為239g,兩者重量相差近60g
UVEX Race1 is only 239g!


因為是跟PBK下的order,照例又收到一堆High5 ZERO sugar,糖果越來越多了….(乍看之下很像保險套?)
As usual, I have received some High5 ZERO sugars from PBK, I have more and more candies….(It looks a little bit like a condom… 😛 )


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1 則留言

  1. 這款在特價後CP質不錯
