Age Matters? 年齡問題
如果你問我最崇拜的自行車選手是誰,我可以告訴你不是Armstrong (雖說他的抗癌精神可佳),也不是其他環法得主。我敬重的選手是年過半百還在競賽場的Longo (先前提過及這)。連這位當時84歲的蔡老太太也是讓我敬佩不已。
在去年12月收到NJ Rando寄來的認證卡,裡面附上RBA Leory的話:
Bicycling Randonneurs take fitness and exercise beyond normal limits, but other aspects improve the way we work and think. I credit my active physical life with being able, at an age of almost 85, with the ability to do almost anything I wish to do while seeing many others, my age, having major restrictions to physical freedom and enjoyments. It is quite noticeable and sad.
So, Bicycling does more than get you somewhere. I’ll be seeing you [註 1] — down the road!
Leroy M Varga
84歲的NJ RBA Leory (左邊) 在終點檢查認證卡 |
可以看得出他84歲嗎?Leory在2003年 (75歲) 及在2007年 (80歲) 還去參加PBP,兩次都是RUSA裡最年老的參加者。雖說這兩次並沒有完成,但其精神仍然值得敬佩。(他至少完成過三場,87, 91, 95 at 68歲; 看看他對PBP的建議)
低於80小時有三位。前兩位是30歲出頭,第三位則是50歲曾先生以78H50完成。50歲組群完成有四位 (另外有一位過時),完成率44.4%並不低。如果考慮到年齡問題,我覺得他們的表現比30歲組的更好,也更讓人欽佩。
那60歲組呢?當然還是有機會,看看Leory就知道 (60幾歲兩次)。2011 PBP年紀最大完成者,Friedhelm LIXEnFELD (德國人;男80歲) 與Marie-hélène VILETTE (法國人;女68歲) 都獲頒特別獎。
But HOW to make it? Well, 我不知道,要問他們。
最後,聽聽這個Matilda。Don’t mind the age. Just join the group and have fun.
[註 1] “I’ll be seeing you” 是首有名的歌曲 (Jazz),也常出現在電影裡。
這是賽場上”退休”車手Jan Heine的感言
> I find that one of the nice part of randonneuring is that we all are
> “amateurs” in the best sense of the word – normal people with real
> jobs, real families, and real interests beyond cycling.
> When I was racing, it was interesting that the higher I got in the
> racing ranks, the less interesting I found the people with whom I
> spent my weekends. That was the main reason why I “retired.”
> Among randonneurs, there never is a lack for interesting conversation.
> None of us can train “optimally.” Making the best of the limited time
> most of us have is one of the (positive) challenges of our sport,
> just like navigating with a cue sheet and planning one’s food for a
> long, unsupported ride.
> To me, those things are the main differences to RAAM and similar
> events, where it’s all about athletic performance, and an entire
> support crew is there to take care of all the other elements –
> elements that I enjoy in a randonneur brevet.
> Jan Heine