An 84-year-old Biking 150 Miles 84歳老太太騎完150英哩車賽

(photo from CNN)

84歳蔡老太太 (Lan Yin Tsai, 小名”Eiko”) 身著裙裝及高跟鞋完成150英哩 (240公里) 為多發性硬化症 (multiple sclerosis;MS)研究而辦的慈善自行車賽。騎著單速的淑女車,如果不是籃子及安全帽上的號碼,恐怕沒有人會知道她是比賽的選手之一。而她已經這樣參加了26年

蔡老太太原是台灣人,在日本學得shiatsu 按摩,早年在醫院裡為病人,包括罹患癌症的病人,按摩以紓解疼痛。26年前,幫一位MS病人按摩時得知這個慈善自行車比賽。



詳細報導請見 CNN


=== 節錄CNN報導並翻譯 === (歡迎轉貼,取內文請著名出處,謝謝。)

“I always try to tell people, whatever you can do, keep doing it, keep doing it,” she says. “And that’s why I do MS. When I start something, I don’t want to just quit.”


And why the nice dress and high heels? Tsai says that’s just her normal biking outfit.

“I went to church, so I always dressed up and would ride my bicycle,” she says. “So that’s why I do it that way — I do it that way naturally. That’s the way I ride my bike.”


“When the last rider comes in, [the MS society] usually has like a police car or fire truck with sirens going off. And usually my grandmother is the last person,” says Sim with a laugh. “So the people who know about her, they just sit around waiting for multiple hours after most people have finished. And she’ll just ride in, and people are cheering, taking pictures, asking for autographs. It’s like being with a celebrity.”


“I have the most pressure out of anyone on the tour,” Sim adds jokingly. “I know I can’t quit, because my grandmother’s behind me somewhere!”


“I think because of her personality and her demeanor, it really gives people hope. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, as long as you’re persistent, you’ll be able to come up with a cure,” he says. “She’s a pretty remarkable woman. And I’m just hoping the genes pass down.”


[Update 2015/10/27]
現在90歲的蔡老太太 (Lan Yin Tsai)還是繼續騎車參加這慈善活動,真是令人佩服!(see Bicycling)

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