Monthly Archive: 6 月 2024

【鞋測】New Balance FuelCell Rebel V3

約莫三年前買了第一代FuelCell Rebel,因為穿起來覺得還滿喜歡的,去年趁著New Balance清倉特賣入手了已經過季的FuelCell Rebel V3。同樣都是UK5.5,三代因為鞋底增高的緣故,重量比第一代稍微重了13g(165g vs 178g),但整體來說還是相當的輕。

Goodbye my love

In 2022 November, I saw the photo of the 15-year-old aging cat (We usually called her “fat cat”😂) at home sent by my mother, it, which originally weighed about seven or eight kilograms, had slimmed down to just over two kilograms. The fat cat of the past no longer existed, only the years under the skin and bones were left, and I was shocked to realise that I had left Taiwan for so many years. Although I was planning to visit Taiwan in 2023 May, I knew I might not have any chance to see her again and there was a timer running in my mind.

Ayrlies Garden and Wetlands

最近整理舊照片時,想起來了2016年五月剛來紐西蘭時,去了美麗的Ayrlies Garden and Wetlands拍的照片都沒有分享。四五月適逢紐西蘭秋天,是顏色最繽紛的季節。

Ayrlies Garden and Wetlands為於奧克蘭東區,離奧克蘭市中心約40分鐘的車程(35km左右)。目前花園的入園費是$20NZD,溼地可以免費進入。Ayrlies Garden建立於1964年,一開始的時候只有1.2公頃,1980時將周圍的溼地也納入範圍,整個面積擴大到將近4.8公頃。