Train the Mind to Ride Through the Winter 用意志力來騎過冬天


剛好,在New York Times看到這篇”Train the Mind to Run Right Through Winter“。New York Upstate可以是很冷雪又多;不像在Long Island,雪約在12月後半才有但平常風倒是很大。

Dr. Buckworth said that, in her experience, it was the people who were new to exercise who gave up in bad weather.

Dr. Buckworth說,以她的經驗,通常是新手在壞天氣放棄運動健身。

Dr. Pivarnik tells people they need to make up their minds that they will have a regular exercise routine, no matter what. “If you are one of those people who are going to back off, you are just going to have to find something to make you do it,” Dr. Pivarnik said. “It has to be a behavioral thing in your head. It’s not going to happen just because the weather is nice, you have to think about it.”

Dr. Pivarnik告訴人們他們需要下定決心,不論怎樣,他們需要一個例行的運動習慣。”如果你是像那些會退縮的人,你就需要找個藉口讓你可以做下去,”Dr. Pivarnik說。”它必須是一件會去做的事情在腦海裡。它不會因為天氣好就會發生,你必須好好地想這件事。”

His epic ride took place with friends in Virginia. They started at the bottom of a mountain on a sunny morning. Soon it started to drizzle. “We said, ‘At least it’s not raining,’ ” Mr. Swan said. Then, as they ascended, it started to rain.

“We said, ‘At least it’s not snowing.’ ” Then it started to snow.

“We said, ‘At least the snow is not sticking.’ ” Then it started to stick.

By the time they got to the top of the mountain, they were in a blizzard. They eventually made it to a lodge, 20 miles away, where they spent the night. And they have been talking about the trip every since.

(skipped) … if you want to train for road races, you have to run on roads.





Cycling note: Fuji; slower warm-up; climbing is all right but cadence is too low

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1 則留言

  1. 騎車以後越來越不怕冷。氣溫20度c以上短袖上衣就夠了,18度加個夏季袖套,再冷一點才需要加防風背心和腿套。去年元旦自己跑去騎大屯山助航站,當時氣溫才2度風又大,包的像肉粽一樣,下山手指凍到沒知覺。喜歡騎車天氣再冷都不是問題。
